Well, we Aucklanders have had it pretty tough! This is our 5th Lockdown, but we're keeping the spirits high & the hopes to go down a level even higher. Take care of yourselves during this time Aotearoa! Kia Kaha // Stay Strong.
We thought we would show you all what some of our staff have been up to during Lockdown! It's been fun catching up on Zoom & hearing all about it.
Here is what Ponsonby Manager, Megan, has been up to ...
"Firstly my gorgeous Silver Persian Chinchilla cat Luna, a runaway chicken that I found her Mum using face book, coffee made on our fab new coffee machine, A booty of gorgeousness in cup form all from The Poi Room, 3 ingredient lemonade scones, a fresh gallery wall with some crazy animal friends, & new season new bedding such a treat !!! Been busy".
Here is what Gallery Assistant, Holly, has been up to...
Holly has been creating new original artworks for her art website, as well as, working on her Uni Assignment where she is exploring the realities of living with Endometriosis.
Here is what Gallery Assistant, Caprice, has been up to...
Caprice has done a range of activities! She has moved bedrooms & done a lot of organising. Caprice has spent some time watching old home videos, going for walks, getting vaccinated & practicing self care.
Here is what Ziggy The Art Dog has been up to...
Woof, Woof! Lots of walks with The Poi Room Directors. Getting windswept with the recent Auckland winds, it has certainly been blowing.
Now for something YUM! Creative Director, Melanie-Jane, has shared here delicious 'Hearty Minestrone'
"Howdy partners, here is a meal for those cold days...The whole family loves this -Delicious!"
- 2 Tablespoons olive oil
- 4 rashers of smoky bacon, cut into strips
- 2 red onions, diced (I cried)
- 2 carrots, peeled and diced
- 2 celery sticks, diced *you can add in any other veggies incl parsnip, leeks, courgette.
- Bunch fresh basil - stalks first and leave leaves (hehe) for serving
- 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- 2x 400g cans chopped tomatoes
- 70 grams tomato paste
- 3 cups (750ml) chicken or vegetable stock
- 1 very large glass of red wine
- 1 handful of barley
- 1/2 cup risoni pasta
- 400g can cannelloni beans, drained
- 1 packet spinach (baby or normal) take off any large stalks
- Shaved parmesan
- Olive oil to drizzle - extra virgin
Heat oil in a large saucepan or stockpot over a med-high heat. Add bacon, onion, carrot, celery, chopped basil stalks and garlic. (Leave basil leaves for plating..fancy part).