Unveiling Hikurangi's and Tim's commissioned works for MARS NZ

Unveiling Hikurangi's and Tim's commissioned works for MARS NZ

In an effort to enhance their commitment to inclusion and unity, MARS Aotearoa recently contacted The Poi Room to commission two artworks that would adorn their space while reinforcing and enhancing tikanga. 

Hikurangi Edwards at the unveiling of her piece, Tekitenga

Above, Hikurangi Edwards and team members from MARS Aotearoa at the unveiling of her commissioned piece, 'Te Kitenga'.

We were delighted to oblige, with offering two of our most respected artists, Hikurangi Edwards and Tim Codyre, to produce works that would speak to the company's core principles. The MARS team kindly invited us to join them at the unveiling of these very special works in their Penrose offices.

Hikurangi Edwards and her commissioned piece, Tekitenga

The event began with a karakia from Trinity Cattermoul and a welcoming speech from New Zealand Market Director, Shane Hammond. "We’ve had two beautiful art pieces commissioned by The Poi Room and today is the unveiling of those pieces. Both artworks represent a real continuous commitment from us to embrace te reo, te au, and tikanga here at MARS Aotearoa. Through this collaboration with Hikurangi and Tim, MARS Aotearoa exemplifies the commitment to creating a workplace that’s not just about cultural diversity, but that we actively embrace it in everything that we do". 

Hikurangi Edwards unveils Tekitenga

Hikurangi helped to unveil her work "Te Kitenga" and in her wonderful, approachable manner, talked us through the meaning of the piece, beginning with a traditional introduction in te reo, which she then translated for the team.

“I’ve described that I’m from all 4 corners of Aotearoa, starting from the north all the way around the North Island in lots and lots of places. Thank you Shane and Trinity for organising today and bringing me here to share a bit with you about this artwork that has been commissioned to represent and support you in the mahi (work) that you do here.
I want to say a special thank you to MARS for embodying the different people that represent the work that you are trying to do. It’s difficult when you’re in a big association or company, to represent all of the different cultures and backgrounds that you all bring and I think they are doing a great job to bring that forward today."

Hikurangi talked us through her process, which begins with at least 40 layers of paint on each board. Hikurangi uses a Lino cutting tool to reveal her design.

Hikurangi and MARS NZ Market Director, Shane Hammond talk through the meaning behind her work, Te Kitenga.

MARS is the main mauri line that goes through the work. Each of the white koru are you, the associates who come off it. Each of you have different backgrounds and journeys in life and your mahi here at MARS. Some of you are just starting out here in the centre, and in the outer spirals, some are more established with a lot more experience to offer up to the company. This piece is representing you all.

The piece is called ‘Te Kitenga’ which is about being seen. That speaks to me of what MARS is working to achieve, showing you that you are all seen in everything that you do. That you come to work with your whole self. When you look at this piece, I hope you know that this is saying to you that they see you and who you are, and thank you for being part of MARS."

The team from MARS Aotearoa and Jo Davies from The Poi Room with Tim Codyre's "Mana Whenua"

Above, back row from left: Karl Bartrum, Activity Manager; Trinity Cattermoul, Corporate Affairs Executive; Joanne Davies (The Poi Room); Gretchen Evans, P&O Director. Front row: Josh Clere, Account Executive; Shane Hammond, New Zealand Market Director.

Tim Codyre's piece, a tekoteko figure titled "Mana Whenua", denotes 'feet firmly standing on the ground'. After unveiling the work, beautifully carved from a Pūriri log and presented in its specially made case, Shane Hammond talked us through the meaning of the piece, which symbolises the unity of MARS Aotearoa upholding the five principles which have been intricately carved onto the bowl.

Quality - Kounga

Responsibility - Takohanga

Mutuality - Tauawhi

Freedom - Herekorenga

Efficiency - Pai

Tim Codyre's tekoteko "Mana Whenua" created for MARS Aotearoa

After a closing karakia, the team enjoyed kai together and a relaxed chat. Gretchen Evans echoed Hikurangi's sentiments. "We aim to bring people together and bring cultures together and for people to understand that they can bring all of themselves to work. Creating inclusivity honours indigenous people and their indigenous culture. The concept of the spiral being a flagship, where each of the layers inside the spiral and the koru unfurling become part of the whole. Gradually as we step back we see all of those team members as part of the whole".

If you would like to talk about commissions, please make contact and we would love to help.
We can also organise wonderful corporate gifts as a precious taonga for your clients.

Enquire about commissions and corporate gifts